Smart dustbin

Smart dustbin
Smart dustbin

Smart dustbin using arduino - How to make a smart dustbin using Arduino Uno and an ultrasonic sensor.

Components Used :

Arduino Uno

Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04


Applications Of Ultrasonic sensor

Used in obstacle avoiding robots
RADAR sensing
Water Level monitoring
Security Alarm Projects


The Ultrasonic sensor used here is HC SR04, which detects distance level in is used to detect the distance at which an object is placed.
It is used as SONAR sensor or RADAR sensing an object.

The ultrasonic sensor has two parts one is an transmtter of sound another a receiver of sound.
Triger is a part which emits sound and echo which is used to listen the reflected sound wave.Time taken to receive signal determines the distance of an object.

Working of Smart DustBin

The ultrasonic sensor is the heart of smart dustbin project.Arduino is used to process the signals from ultrasonic sensor.The out put is a servomotor which is used to open and close the dustbin.

Initially  arduino is programmed sothat the the servo motor is set to close condition of dustbin.

Whenever a motion is detected in front of ultrasonic sensor.The servomotor is activated and servomotor changes its position at a certain angle.
This condition is maintained

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