Arduino digital clock


Arduino digital clock
Arduino digital clock

Arduino digital clock - Electronics projects circuit for science students by

Hello engineers this is my design of digital clock using seven segment displays.

This is a well written program which is customised to use both as 12 hour mode and 24 hour mode operation.

The main advantage of this project is that, it can update time using i2c protocol.This is achieved using input control switches.The wiring seems to be complicated sothat i made the project on breadboard.

By modifying codes we can automate or control home appliances as well.

Components Used

* Atmega328 / Atmega8

*  Crystal 16 MHz

*  Seven segment Display(Multiplexed)

* Switches(for input control)

*  Resistors - 2.2 ohms

*  Time keeping IC Ds 1307

*  Ds chip cell 3 volts DC

*  Power supply 5 volts Dc

If coding is needed please comment or contact me below.

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