433mhz transmitter and receiver circuit diagram

433mhz transmitter and receiver
433mhz transmitter and receiver

433mhz transmitter and receiver project without using arduino on circuityep.

What is rf module? :
An RF module is a device used to send and receive signal wirelessly.433MHz is such an rf module used in electronic project to send data wirelessly.

The 433 mhz transmitter range is about 50 to 100 meters distance only. By using an antenna on both transmitter and receiver the range of reception is extended.

The frequency of these modules is typically 433MHz/434MHz/315MHz, depending on countries these frequencies can be legally used for wireless household remote controls, doorbells, hospital equipments etc.

433mhz Transmitter :
Its basically a crystal based transmitter. The crystal which is 433MHz, a transistor and an inductor is the main component in this module. The crystal generates a carrier wave along with the transistor to propagate signal.It uses Amplitude shift keying technology (ASK).The information is given in the form of '1' and '0' using an encoder ic.

433mhz Receiver :
The receiver module mainly consist of a transistor, inductor coil,and an operational amplifier circuit. The circuit is tuned to 433MHz frequency. Here the incoming signals are decoded using a decoder ic.

433mhz rf transmitter and receiver pinout
433mhz transmitter

HT12 Encoder Ic Pinout
433mhz transmitter and receiver

HT12 D Decoder IC Pinout
433mhz transmitter and receiver

433mhz Transmitter Circuit
433mhz transmitter and receiver circuit diagram
433mhz transmitter and receiver circuit diagram

433mhz Receiver Circuit
433mhz transmitter and receiver circuit diagram
433mhz transmitter and receiver circuit diagram

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