PIR sensor not turning off

How to fix pir motion detector sensor
How to fix PIR motion sensor

PIR sensor not working properly, PIR sensor not turning off is a common problem facing by electronics engineers.

Your problem will be solved after reading this content.And I will give you a perfect solution or alternate method for doing the same project with motion sensing.

Motion Sensor Circuit Making Click Here

What is motion sensor

A motion sensor is a proximity sensor which can detect motion.When an object moves or change its position/location, the motion sensor easily finds a motion as change in signal thus turns on/off it's output.

How the motion sensor works

We know that human,animals all are radiating a small amount of energy to the output environment in the form of infrared radiations.

When the sensor fits inside a room and no-one is there.The sensor itself  is calibrated automatically.When someone enters the room, a change in temperature/radiation is detected by the sensor and output of sensor turns on.

The motion sensor will turn on or off continuously at the time of power on and it takes some seconds to come to its normal working mode.So while using this sensor you must connect a microcontroller for specific applications like burglar alarm.But for a light sensing application it's not necessary as the output of motion sensor turn off itself.

PIR sensor not working properly

The above image shows the pir module which has a sensor you can see and a lens.This is a 360 degree Fresnel lens and you will get sensing pulses from all 360 degree angles.

PIR sensor not turning off
PIR sensor not turning off

The above figure shows the mode of operation of pir sensor. Normally the jumper is placed to right most side of the module.

PIR sensor delay and sensitivity
PIR sensor delay and sensitivity

Also in the above figure you can see Tao potentiometers.Potentiometer on the left side of the module is the sensitivity control and right side potentiometer is the on time control potentiometer.

Sensitivity control pot

This pot should be in low sensitivity mode almost zero is preferred,otherwise the output will turn on continuously even if there is no motion and sometimes the module never turn off.

So turn this potentiometer completely to the left side which will decreases the sensitivity almost to zero.

For checking pir motion sensor this is a must to do practice.

Timing Control pot

The timing control pot should be in zero timer mode.Sothat you can see the timing parameter is working or not.Slowly increase the resistance value we can see the on timing is increasing whenever a motion signal is detected.

Your sensor will turn on and never turn off if this potentiometer if fully increased.

So turn left completely to zero decreases the timer on period.

Your problem will be solved.Even if do these things you are getting error means your pir sensor is faulty.So use another pir sensor.

PIR sensor pinout

PIR sensor pinout

Advantages of using PIR Motion Sensor

» The availability is cheap
» The power consumption is very low.While working it uses less than 10 Milli ampere of current.

In idle state it uses only a little current (micro ampere of current).
» The sensor output is readily available at the output no need for microcontrollers.If we are going to drive a relay, only a transistor is needed.
» Durability is the other factor
» It works in 3.3 volt regulated DC power.You can give voltage from 5 to 12 volts DC with an ampere of 1 amps.

Alternative solution for PIR motion sensor

Can I use another sensor which have same property of pir?

The answer for this question is yes you can.You can use ultrasonic sensors, but it needs a microcontroller.So I suggest you to use a RADAR motion sensor.

Most of the people are not aware of how the motion sensor light available in market is working.

They are not using pir motion sensor.They use a cheap RADAR motion sensor which is a wireless RF sensor in motion sensing circuit.This sensor is very cheap in price and power consumption of this module is very low.It uses RF proximity sensing method which is highly precise and free from errors.

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