Arduino Bluetooth Relay(Single Relay) Control Code

Arduino Bluetooth Relay Control Code

Arduino Bluetooth Relay Control Code

Hc05 Arduino -  Arduino bluetooth module hc05 interfacing to arduino and how to control the arduino bluetooth code  for Bluetooth Relay Control Code is discussing here.

Components Used

» Arduino Uno

» HC 05 Bluetooth Module

» Relay Module ( Single Channel)

» USB To DC Jack Converter

» Power Supply - 5 volt / 2 Ampere

Checkout Prices In India

Buy Arduino Uno

Buy HC05 Bluetooth Module

Buy Relay Module

Buy Jumper Wires

Note : The recommended power supply given to the Arduino DC Jack adapter is 

5 volt DC with an ampere of 2 Amps.

Step 1 - Connect HC 05 Bluetooth Module To Arduino Uno

» Bluetooth 5 V is connected to ICSP pin Vcc.

» Bluetooth gnd is connected to ICSP gnd pin.

» Bluetooth TX pin is connected to Arduino pin 0

This is shown in the above figure.Positive of icsp is on top most right of arduinio board.The ground pin of icsp is bottom rightmost corner of arduino uno board.

Step 2 - Connect Relay To Arduino Uno 

» Relay 5V is connected to Arduino 5 V labelling on Arduino Uno.

» Relay gnd is connected to Arduino gnd.

» Relay input is connected to Arduino pin 3 labelled on arduino uno board.

Step 3 - Light Bulb Wiring Connection To Relay

» The light bulb wiring is shown above

» Here above figure the two stripped wires should be given to the relay.

Step 4 - Connect Load / Light Bulb To Relay

» The above figure shows how the two wire points are connected to relay.

Note : The serial.begin baud rate must be changed if your module is not working

Change values like,





 The default password is 1234


» Turn on Bluetooth in your phone and search for HC05 Bluetooth module.

» Pair Hc05 with your mobile phone, by giving default password 1234.

» After pairing go to Bluetooth app.

» Connect with HC05 Bluetooth module.

» Phone will indicates as “ Connected”.

» Turn on switch in app.Thats it.You are done.


char data;

void setup() 




void loop()


     data =;
    if(data== 'A')




  if(data== 'a')




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